Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Everybody knows what motivation is and I'm not going gonna spell out the "6 special tactics", or "14 key ingredients", or anything equally ridiculous. I've also spent the bulk of my adult life frighteningly unmotivated so reading this might be like taking diet ideas from a fat kid. Today I've got a new idea - Habits. Habits and structure. I'm sure that's not revolutionary but it's what I'm going to attempt to focus on for the next 4 weeks. I've always had goals and plans but my struggle has been in actually doing any of the work. I'm sure many can relate. My thoughts were something along the lines of this - I'm a huge procrastinator and my willpower is nonexistent. Nice. If you want a chocolate bar - it's easy to say no once... but if you have to say no for every second of the day it becomes a herculean task. It's also very easy to take solace in postponing a distasteful task (I'll do the workout later, I'll study after I play some vids, etc) if you habitually say that. Over the next month I'm going to attempt to eradicate the lazy and institute the diligent. You don't really think about what you do all day. People who are actually productive seem to feel badly about not having their work done early or missing a workout. I'm going to attempt to ingrain some new habits so what, up until now, has been the exception to the rule, (ie: paying attention in class,) becomes the new standard. Hopefully by doing this my quality of life will improve significantly and I'll actually be living my life (I've heard rumours that's what you're supposed to do with it). Will this succeed? History suggests it won't but time will be the judge.

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